The NLARC is the Northern Lakes Amateur Radio Club, an organization of amateur radio enthusiasts within Itasca County, Minnesota. The regular monthly meetings are set for 7:00 P.M. the first Thursday of each month, and are held at the Emergency Operations Center of the Itasca County Courthouse in Grand Rapids, Minnesota.
Northern Lakes ARC, Inc. has been granted the vanity call sign KØGPZ effective September 7th, 2005. GPZ is the FAA airport code for Grand Rapids. This change was suggested by Steve Antiel and approved by the Board of Directors in August. KØGPZ will be used immediately and upon receipt of the new license, KBØVAE will no longer be a valid call sign.
Click HERE to DOWNLOAD a MSWord file of the NLAR
C NEWSLETTER (very spiffy)
If you use a Macintosh computer and do not have MS Word in your machine but would like to read the newsletter in the MSWord file form (it looks very nice, tables are supported and it prints nice too!) Please drop me an e-mail and I can point you to a simple, free MSWord emulator that will work beautifully on your computer.
NLARC Repeater Information
Two-Meter Repeater System
146.880- Coleraine, MN w/Autopatch-linked to 147.075
147.075+ Marcell, MN Superlink-linked to 146.880
145.230- Emergency Repeater
Seventy-Centimeter Repeater
444.55+ Coleraine, MN - access tone 123.0
Sundays at 7:30M on 880/075
QRZ callsign lookup:
Callsign lookups provided by
Other Sites of Interest
ARRL - American Radio Relay League
ARRL-Minnesota Section News Page
Arrowhead Radio Amateur Club--Duluth
Brainerd Area Amateur Radio Club
Eau Claire Amateur Radio Club Inc
MN QSO Party
National Weather Service - Duluth
TAPR (Tucson Amateur Packet Radio)
WØSV - St. Cloud Amateur Radio Club
Club E-Mail:
E-mail Webmaster KC0JEZ